WEI, Youyi
WEI, Youyi
B.A. in Journalism
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Hubei, China
M.A. in Internet Information
Communication University of China, Beijing, China
Research Interests:
- Social Media
- Digital Journalism
Publication List:
Refereed Journal Article
Zou Y., Wei Y. Y. (2021). Altruism, Cooperation and the Risk Society: A Study on the Spread of Sentiment in Trending Events on Weibo. Modern Communication. Journal of Communication University of China, 43(08): 145-149. [CSSCI] (in Chinese)
Zou Y., Wei Y. Y. (2023). Survey on the use of Chinese in the official websites of international organizations. Applied Linguistics, 125(01):19-32. [CSSCI] (in Chinese)
Zou Y., Wei Y. Y. (2022). Spatial Production and Poetic Presentation of the City of Two Olympics. China Television, (07): 89-97. [CSSCI Extended] (in Chinese)
Zou Y., Wei Y. Y. (2022), Construction of Memory and National Identity: An Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors in Television Reports on the Fight Against the COVID-19 Pandemic. Contemporary TV, (02): 74-79. [CSSCI Extended] (in Chinese)