FENG, Mengzhe

FENG, Mengzhe

Ph.D. Student

B.A. in Journalism
Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China

M.A. in Global Communication
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Research Interests:

  • Political Communication
  • Gender and Media
  • Social Activism
  • Journalism

Refereed Journal Article

Feng, M. (2024). Propagandistic use of fact-checking in health crisis: The case of pro-government fact-checking in Hong Kong. International Journal of Communication (accepted)

Camarasa San Juan, V., & Feng, M.* (2024). Instrumentalization of fake news and fake news laws: A content analysis of Hong Kong newspapers in transitional times. Mass Communication & Society (accepted) [*corresponding author]

Fang, K., Feng, M., & Tse, C. H. (2024). Hyperlocal citizen journalism in Hong Kong: Resilience through community newspapers. Journalism. Advance online publication: https://doi.org/10.1177/14648849241246900

Guo, J., & Feng, M. (2024). Examining social media exposure’s effects on public support towards three-child policy in China: Role of cognitive elaboration, perceived negative effects, and institutional trust. Journal of Public Policy, 44(1), 121–142. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0143814X23000326

Tsang, N. L. T., Feng, M., & Lee, F. L. F. (2022). How fact-checkers delimit their scope of practices and use sources: Comparing professional and partisan practitioners. Journalism, 24(10), 2232-2251. https://doi.org/10.1177/14648849221100862

Feng, M., Tsang, N. L. T. & Lee, F. L. F. (2021). Fact-Checking as Mobilization and Counter-Mobilization: The Case of the Anti-Extradition Bill Movement in Hong Kong, Journalism Studies, 22(10), 1358-1375. https://doi.org/10.1080/1461670X.2021.1952474

Conference Paper Presentation

Luo. H & Feng, M. (2024, July). How does social media use impact psychological well-being? Role of cross-cutting discussion, ambivalent gender value, and strong-tie discussion. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Christchurch, New Zealand.

Feng, M. (2024, June). Framing feminism in hostile environments: Case of Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 74th Annual International Communication Association Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.

Feng, M. (2023, August). (Re)negotiating identity and communication networks under political repression: Case of feminist activism in Hong Kong. Poster presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 106th Annual Conference, Washington DC, the United States.

Tsang, N. L. T., & Feng, M. (2023, May). How do audiences perceive fact-checking during crisis times: Contesting journalistic authority in the cases of Hong Kong and Taiwan. Paper presented at the 73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Feng, M (2023, January). On propagandistic use of fact-checking in health crisis: The case of pro-government fact-checking in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 3rd Lisbon Winter School for the Study of Communication, organized by Research Centre for Communication and Culture, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, Portugal.

Feng, M., & Tsang, N. L. T. (2022, November). How fact-checking construct social facts: The case of COVID-19 pandemic. Study presented at the 10th Seminar for Hong Kong Cultural and Society, Hong Kong.

Feng, M., & Camarasa San Juan, V. (2022, August). Instrumentalization of “fake news” and fake news laws: A content analysis of Hong Kong newspapers in transitional times. Paper to be presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 105th Annual Conference, Detroit, the United States.

Scholarships and Awards

Lion Dr. Francis K. Pan Scholarship 2022/23

Outstanding Paper Award for Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference 2021/2022, The Academy of Hong Kong Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong

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