Communication and Society

History, Aims and Scope

Communication and Society (the Journal thereafter) is a refereed journal that publishes four issues a year, in January, April, July and October. It is a joint publication of the Centre for Chinese Media and Comparative Communication Research, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Centre of Media and Communication Research, School of Communication and Film, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU).

The Journal has been accepted into the Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI). Since January 2010, all articles have been indexed in TSSCI. In 2018, the Journal’s reputation received another boost by its acceptance as one of the top tier TSSCI journals.

The Journal was officially designated as the first Affiliate Journal of International Communication Association in 2015.

Launched in December 2006, the Journal serves the rapidly expanding research community in Greater China and other parts of the world. It aims to achieve three major goals. The first is to promote the development of communication science in Chinese through the publication of original and state-of-the-art research reports. The second is to serve as a bridge between scholarship in the East and West and to promote transborder perspectives in research. The third is to foster an interdisciplinary approach to the study of communication.

Research articles form the bulk of the Journal’s contents. It also features periodic exchanges with world-renown scholars in social science in general and communication in particular.

Professor Joseph Chan from CUHK is the Journal’s founding editor-in-chief. The current editor-in-chief is Prof. Ran Wei from HKBU. There are eleven editors, namely, Prof. Donna Chu, Prof. Hai Liang, and Prof. Hsuan-ting Chen from CUHK, Prof. Yu Huang, Prof. Bu Zhong and Prof. Yunya Song from HKBU, Prof. Christine Huang and Prof. Shuhua Zhou from City University of Hong Kong, Prof. Chingching Chang from Academia Sinica, Prof. Baohua Zhou from Fudan University and Prof. Jack Qiu from Nanyang Technological University. Serving on the Journal’s editorial advisory board are well-established scholars from around the world.

The Journal serves the whole research community and looks forward to receiving the best articles from Chinese-speaking researchers from around the world. It abides by the norms of blind review in selecting articles.

The Journal has both a print and an online version. Readers can view and download all of the Journal’s contents from the Journal’s website ( Please log in to the submission website ( to submit the manuscripts.