CHAN, Joseph M

CHAN, Joseph Man
Emeritus Professor
B.Sc. & Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Fellow of the International Communication Association (ICA Fellow, 國際傳播學會會士).
- Recipient of the Changjiang Chair Professorship ( 長江學者講座教授 ) from the Ministry of Education, PRC, for which he is affiliated with the School of Journalism, Fudan University, Shanghai, while continuing his service at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Academic Interviews in Chinese
- 《傳播與社會學刊》學術對談 創新傳播研究的追尋:陳韜文
- 中華傳媒網 “力行十年” 學者巡訪系列專訪:陳韜文
Research Interests
- Intersection of International Communication
- Political Communication and Journalism Studies
Current Research
- Communication and Collective Memory
- Internet and Public Discourse in China
- Comparative Foreign TV News around the World
- Social Differentiation, Media Use and Opinion Expression in China
- Mass Media and Social Protests
Teaching Interests
- Global and Comparative Communication
- Mass Media and Social Change
- Social Photography
- News Analysis
- Public Opinion
- Communication Patterns in Chinese Societies
- Communication Theories
- Research Methods
- Social Theories and Communication
Special Interest: Photography as visual representation
Photo Albums
- Fate (命運)
- Rainbow Dance (跳彩虹)
- City Imagined (想像城市)
- Metamorphosis (蛻變)
- Rock Shanghai (上海搖滾)
- In / Out of Focus (失焦.對焦)
- Between Light and Shadows (光影行)
Photo Essays and Interviews
Advice to students
Be curious!
Publication List
Books in English
Cohen; Akiba; Antonio Belo and CHAN Joseph Man et. al. ed. “Foreign News on Television: Where in the World Is the Global Village?” N.Y.: Peter Lang Publishing. 2013 | View> |
CHAN Joseph Man and LEE Lap Fung. “Media and public opinion”. Contemporary Hong Kong Politics ed. by. W. M. Lam et al. 2nd ed. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2012. | View> |
LEE Lap Fung and CHAN Joseph Man. “Media, Social Mobilization, and the Pro-democracy Protest Movement in Post-handover Hong Kong”. 264 pgs. London: Routledge, 2011. | View> |
CHAN Joseph Man; FUNG Ying Him Anthony and NG Chun Hung. Policies for a Sustainable Development of the Film Industry. 210 pgs. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2009. | View> |
Joseph Chan and Francis Lee (eds.) (2007). Media and Politics in Post-handover Hong Kong. London: Routledge. (Reprint of a Special Issue of Asian Journal of Communication 17:2:127-229.) | View> |
C.C. Lee, Joseph Chan, Zhongdang Pan and Clement So (2002). Global Media Spectacle, Buffalo: New York State University Press | View> |
Joseph Man Chan and Bryce McIntyre (eds.) (2002). In Search of Boundaries: Communication, Nation-States and Cultural Identities. Westport, CT: Greenwood. | View> |
Clement So and Joseph Man Chan (1999). Press and Politics in Hong Kong: Cases from 1967 to 1997. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. | View> |
Joseph Chan, Paul Lee and C.C. Lee. Hong Kong Journalists in Transition. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996 | View> |
Joseph Chan and C.C. Lee. Mass Media and Political Transition: The Hong Kong Press in China’s Orbit. New York: Guilford Press, 1991 | View> |
Books in Chinese
邱林川 及 陳韜文. 編. 《新媒體事件研究》. 325 頁. 中國北京: 中國人民大學出版社, 2011.01. | View> |
陳韜文. <從個人的經歷看中國傳播學研究的發展>. 載《中國傳播學30年》 王怡紅、胡翼青編. 頁598-603. 北京:中國大百科全書出版社, 2010 | View> |
陳韜文. <大眾傳媒與青少年次文化:油脂群探索>. 《亞文化讀本》 載陶東風/胡疆鋒編. 頁450-460. 北京:北京大學出版社。(重印), 2011. | View> |
陳韜文 及 李立峰. <香港不能忘記六四之謎:傳媒、社會組織、民族國家和集體記憶>. 《香港,生活,文化》 呂大樂, 吳俊雄, 馬傑偉編. 頁153-195. 香港: 牛津大學出版社, 2011 | View> |
羅文輝、陳韜文(2004)《變遷中的大陸、香港、台灣新聞人員》台北:巨流出版社。(Lo,V.H. and J. Chan (2004). Journalists in Transition: A Comparative Study of Journalists in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Taipei: Chuliu Press.) | View> |
陳韜文(編)( 2004 )《解讀七一》香港:明報出版社。 (Joseph Chan (ed.) (2004). Reading July 1. Hong Kong: Ming Pao Press. | View> |
陳韜文、朱立、潘忠黨 (編)(1997)《傳播與市場經濟》香港:新亞洲出版社。 (Joseph Chan, Leonard Chu, and Zhongdang Pan (1997) (eds.) Mass Communication and Market Economy. Hong Kong: New Asia Press.) | |
朱立、陳韜文(編)(1992)《傳播與社會發展》香港:香港中文大學新聞與傳播學系出版。 (Leonard Chu and Joseph Chan (eds.) (1992).Communication and Societal Development. The Department of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.) | View> |
Journal Symposium in English and Chinese
Chan, Joseph and Francis Lee (eds.) (2007). Media and Politics in Post-handover Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Communication, 17:2:127-229. |
Chan, Joseph and Francis Lee (eds.)(2007). Media and Politics in Post-handover Hong Kong. Communication & Society, 3:17-156 (In Chinese). 陳韜文、李立峰(2007)(編輯)香港回歸後的傳媒與政治。《傳播與社會學刊》第三期,頁17-156。 |
Ma, Eric and Joseph Chan (eds.) (2009) Transborden Movies, Communication & Society 7:25-156. (In Chinese). 馬傑偉、陳韜文(編)(2009)跨境電影專輯。《傳播與社會學刊》第七期,頁25-156。 |
Qiu, Jack and Joseph Chan (2009) (eds.) New Media Event: A Special Issue of Communication and Society 9:19-202. (In Chinese). 邱林川、陳韜文(2009)(編)新媒體事件專輯。《傳播與社會學刊》9:19-202. |
Monographs in English and Chinese
Lee, Francis and Joseph Chan (2009). Strategic Responses to Political Changes: An Analysis of Newspaper Editorials in Hong Kong 1998-2006. Monograph No. 199. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. | View> |
Francis Lee and Joseph Chan (2007). Taking Both Sides into Consideration: Ambivalence in Public Opinion on Political Reform in Hong Kong. Monograph. Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong | View> |
Chan, Joseph and Francis Lee (2005). Mobilization and Protest Participation in Post-Handover Hong Kong: A Study of Three Large-scale Demonstrations. Occasional Monograph. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asian Pacific Affairs, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. | View> |
陳韜文、羅文輝、潘忠黨(2003)新聞傳播教育對新聞人員的影響:大陸、台灣和香港的比較研究。《傳播研究集刊》,第八集 (1-55頁)。Joseph Chan, Ven-hwei Lo and Zhongdang Pan (2003). Journalism Education and Journalists: A Comparative Study in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Communication Research Monograph, No. 8. (In Chinese) | View> |
羅文輝、陳韜文、潘忠黨(2001)大陸、香港、台灣新聞人員對媒介角色的認知。《傳媒集刊》第六集(1-68頁)。Ven-hwei Lo, Joseph Chan and Zhongdang Pan (2001). Media Role Perceptions: A Comparative Study of Journalists China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Communication Research Monograph, No. 6. (In Chinese) | View> |
Joseph Chan, Kenneth Chau and Francis Lee (2000). Education and Principle-based Opinion: A Study of the Right of Abode Controversy in Hong Kong. Occasional Monograph #111. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong | View> |
Ven-hwei Lo, Joseph Chan and Zhongdang Pan (1998). A Comparative Study of journalists in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Taiwan: State Council of Mainland Affairs Committee. (In Chinese) | |
Clement So and Joseph Chan. Mass Media and Youth in Hong Kong: Media Use, Youth Archetypes and Media Influence, Hong Kong Government Printer, 1992. | View> |
Journal Articles and Book Chapters in English
LEE Lap Fung and CHAN Joseph Man (2016). “Digital Media Activities and Mode of Participation in a Protest Campaign: A Study of the Umbrella Movement”. Information Communication & Society vol. 19 no. 1, pp.4-22. | view> |
CHAN Joseph Man and LEE Lap Fung (2015). “Media and Social Mobilisation in Hong Kong”. The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Media ed. by Gary D. Rawnsley and Ming-Yeh Rawnsley. pp.145-160. New York: Routledge. | view> |
LEE Lap Fung and CHAN Joseph Man (2015). “Digital media use and participation leadership in social protests: The case of Tiananmen commemoration in Hong Kong”. Telematics & Informatics vol.32 no.4, pp.879-889. | view> |
CHAN Joseph Man and LEE Lap Fung (2013). “Generational transmission of collective memory about Tiananmen in Hong Kong: How young rally participants learn about and understand June 4th. The Journal of Contemporary China vol.22 no.84, pp.966-983. 2013. | view> |
LEE Lap Fung and CHAN Joseph Man (2013). “Activating movement support: Internet and public opinion toward social movements in Hong Kong”. Taiwan Journal of Democracy vol.8 no.1, pp.145-167. 2013.03. | view> |
CHAN Joseph Man and LEE Lap Fung (2013). Foreign news on public and private television. Foreign news on television: Where in the world is the global village? ed. by Cohen, Akiba. pp.129-150. New York: Peter Lang. | view> |
CHAN Joseph Man; LEE Lap Fung and SO York Kee Clement. ” Journalists in Hong Kong: A decade after the transfer of sovereignty”. The Global Journalist in the 21st Century, David H. Weaver & Lars Willnat (eds.), pp. 22-35. New York & London: Routledge, 2012. | view> |
CHAN Joseph Man and LEE Lap Fung. “Mass Media and Public Opinion”. Contemporary Hong Kong Government and Politics ed. by Lam Wai-man, Percy Lui and Wilson Wong. pp.223-246, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2012. | view> |
CHAN Joseph Man. “Waltzing at arm’s length: China and News Corporation”. Global Media and Communication 8(1)3. pp.18-21. 2012. | view> |
CHAN Joseph Man and ZHOU Baohua. “Expressive Behaviors Across Discursive Spaces and Issue Types”. Asian Journal of Communication 21:2. pp.150-166. 2011. | view> |
CHAN Joseph Man and LEE Lap Fung. “The primacy of local interest and press freedom in Hong Kong: A survey study of journalists”. Journalism: Theory and Practice vol.12 pp.89-105. 2011. | view> |
LEE Lap Fung and CHAN Joseph Man. “The Values and Challenges of Comparative Journalism Studies: A Dialogue with Akiba Cohen”. Communication and Society 13:1-30. 2010. | view> |
CHAN Joseph Man and FUNG Ying Him Anthony. “Structural Hybridization in Film and Television Production in Hong Kong”. Visual Anthropology vol.24 no.1/2, pp.77-89. 2010. | view> |
FUNG Ying Him Anthony and CHAN Joseph Man. “Toward a Global Blockbuster: The Political Economy of Nationalism of Hero”. Global Chinese Cinema In Gary D. Rawnsley, Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley, and Julian Stringer eds pp.192-211. Routledge, London, 2010. | view> |
FUNG Ying Him Anthony and CHAN Joseph Man. “The Localization of Cultural Studies: A Dialogue with Lawrence Grossberg, Part II”. Communication and Society 11:1-29. 2009. | view> |
FUNG Ying Him Anthony and CHAN Joseph Man. “Whither Cultural Studies? A Dialogue with Lawrence Grossberg”. Communication and Society 10:1-30. 2009. | view> |
QIU Linchuan and CHAN Joseph Man. “The Evolution of the Concept of Media Events: A Dialogue with Daniel Dayan”. Communication and Society 9:1-18. 2009. | view> |
LEE Lap Fung and CHAN Joseph Man. “The organizational production of self-censorship in the Hong Kong media”. The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 14, 112-133. 2009. | view> |
Chan, Joseph (2009). Toward TV Regionalization in Greater China and Beyond. In Ying Zhu and Chris Berry (eds.). TV China: Institutions, Programming, and Audiences in Greater China and the Chinese Diaspora, pp. 15-39. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. | view> |
Lee, Francis and Joseph Chan (2009). The organizational production of self-censorship in the Hong Kong media. The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 14, 112-133. | view> |
Francis Lee and Joseph Chan (2009). Making Sense of Political Transition: Political Communication Research in Hong Kong. In Lars Willnat and Annette Aw (eds). Political Communication in Asia, pp.9-42. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. | view> |
Joseph Chan and Francis Lee (2009). Who Can Mobilize Hong Kong People to Protest? A Survey-based Study of Three Large-Scale Rallies. In Sing Ming (ed.) Politics and Government in Hong Kong: Crisis under Chinese Sovereignty, pp.14-37. Boulder: M.E. Sharpe. | view> |
Francis Lee and Joseph Chan (2008). Making Sense of Participation: The Political Culture of the Pro-Democracy Demonstrations in Hong Kong. The China Quarterly 193:84-101. | view> |
Lee, Francis and Joseph Chan (2008). Professionalism, Political Orientation, and Perceived Self-Censorship: A Survey Study of Hong Kong Journalists. Issues & Studies. 44(1), 205-238. | view> |
Joseph Chan and Francis Lee (2007). Political Opportunities, Social Mobilization and Collective Actions: The Re-invigorated Pro-democracy Movement in Hong Kong . China Review. 7:2:93-122 | view> |
Chan, Joseph and Francis Lee (2007). Media and Politics in Hong Kong: A Decade After the Handover. China Perspectives 2007:2:49-57. | view> |
Lee, Francis and Joseph Chan (2007). The Role of Mass Media in the Formation of a Rally-based Pro-democracy Movement in Hong Kong. | view> |
Joseph Chan and Francis Lee (2007). Media and Politics in Post-handover Hong Kong: An Introduction. Asian Journal of Communication 17:2:127-133. | view> |
Joseph Chan and Francis Lee (2007). Media and Large-Scale Demonstrations: The Pro-democracy Movement in Post-handover Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Communication 17:2:215-228. | view> |
Clement So and Joseph Chan (2007). Professionalism, Politics and Market Force: Survey Studies of Hong Kong Journalists 1996-2006. Asian Journal of Communication 17:2:148-158. | view> |
Wu, Huaiting and Joseph Chan (2007). Globalizing Chinese Martial Arts Cinema: The Global-local Alliance and the Production of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Media, Culture & Society 29:2:195-218. | view> |
Joseph Chan and Francis Lee (2007). Mass Media and Public Opinion. In Lam Wai-man, Percy Luen-tim Lui, Wilson Wong and Ian Holliday (eds.) . Contemporary Hong Kong Politics: Governance in the Post-1997 Era, pp.155-176. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. | view> |
Chan, Joseph, Francis Lee and Zhongdang Pan (2006). Online News Meets Established Journalism: How China’s Journalists Evaluate the Credibility of News Websites. New Media & Society 18:6:925-947. | view> |
Eric Ma and Joseph Chan (2006). Global Connectivity and Local Politics: SARS, Talk Radio, and Public Opinion. In Deborah Davis and Helen Siu (eds.). SARS: Reception and Interpretation in Three Chinese Cities, pp.19-46. London: Routledge. | view> |
Chan, Fanny Fong-yee, Kara Chan and Joseph Man Chan (2006). Social Communication and Advertising Indicators. In Kara Chan (ed.). Advertising in Hong Kong, pp.1-22. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. | view> |
Pan, Zhongdang, Chin-Chuan Lee, Joseph M. Chan, and Clement Y.K. So (2005). To Cheer for the Family: The Construction of Chinese Nationalism During the Hong Kong Handover. In Tao Dongfang and Jin Yuanpu (eds.). Cultural Studies in China, pp.40-68. London: Marshall Cavendish. (Reprint) | view> |
Chan, Joseph, Francis Lee and Zhongdang Pan (2005). Professional Aspirations and Job Satisfaction: Chinese Journalists at a Time of Change in the Media. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 81:2:254-273. | view> |
Chan, Joseph (2005). Global Media and the Dialectics of the Global. Journal of Global Media and Communication 1:1:24-28. | view> |
Lo, V.H., Joseph Chan and Zhongdang Pan (2005). Ethical Attitudes and Perceived Practice: A Comparative Study of Journalists in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Asian Journal of Communication 15:2:175-193. | view> |
Lee, Francis and Joseph Chan (2005). Political Attitudes, Political Participation, and Hong Kong Identities After 1997. Issues & Studies, 41:2:1-35. | view> |
Chan, Joseph and Clement So (2005). The Surrogate Democracy Function of the Media: Citizens’ and Journalists’ Evaluations of Media Performance in Hong Kong. In Angela Romano and Michael Bromley (eds.). Journalism and Democracy in Asia, pp.66-80. London: Routledge. (reprint of an earlier article) | view> |
Lee, Francis, Joseph Chan and Clement So (2005). Evaluations of Media and Understanding of Politics: The Role of Education among Hong Kong Citizens. Asian Journal of Communication 15:1:37-56. | view> |
Chan, Joseph (2004). Transborder Broadcasters and TV Regionalization in Greater China: Processes and Strategies. In Jean Chalaby (ed.). Transnational Television Worldwide: Towards a New Media Order, pp. 173-195. London: I.B. Tauris. | view> |
Chan, Joseph (2004). Television in Greater China. In John Sinclair (ed.). Contemporary World Television, pp. 104-107. London: BFI Publishing. | view> |
Chan, Joseph, Zhongdang Pan and Francis Li (2004). Professional Aspirations and Job Satisfaction: Chinese Journalists at a Time of Changes in the Media. Journal of Journalism and Mass Communication. Volume 82, No.1, pp.254-273. | view> |
Jack Qiu and Joseph Chan (2004). China Internet Studies: A Review of the Field. In Helen Nissenbaum & Monroe Price (eds.). Academy and the Internet, pp.275-307. N.Y.: Peter Lang Publishing. | view> |
Pan, Zhongdang and Joseph Man Chan (2003), Shifting journalistic paradigms: How China’s journalists assess ‘media exemplars.’ Communication Research, 30 (6): 649-682 | view> |
Joseph Chan (2003). Administrative Boundaries and Media Marketization: A Comparative Analysis of the Newspaper, TV and Internet Markets in China. In Chin-Chuan Lee (ed.), Chinese Media, Global Contexts, 159-176. London: Routledge. | view> |
Chan, Joseph Man and Clement So (2003). The Surrogate Democracy Function of the Media: Citizens’ and Journalists’ Evaluations of Media Performance. In S.K. Lau, M.K. Lee, P.S. Wan and S.L. Wong (eds.), Indicators of Social Development: Hong Kong 2001, pp.249-276. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. | view> |
Penghwa Ang, Joseph Chan, Junhao Hong and Jae-won Lee (2003). Globalization and Media Development in Asia’s Four Dragons: Sinagpore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea. In Kwadwo Anokwa, Carolyn Lin and Michael Salwen (eds.). International Communication: Concepts and Cases, pp.205-222. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. | view> |
Joseph Chan (2003). Administrative Boundaries and Media Marketization: A Comparative Analysis of the Newspaper, TV and Internet Markets in China. In Chin-Chuan Lee (ed.), Market, Technology and Ideology: Chinese Media in the Global-National Nexus, London: Routledge. | view> |
Joseph Chan (2002). Disneyfication and Globalization of the Chinese Legend Mulan: A Study of Transculturation. In Joseph Chan and Bryce McIntyre (Eds.), In Search of Boundaries: Communication, Nation-State and Cultural Identities. Westport, CT: Greenwood. | view> |
Joseph Chan and Bryce McIntyre (2002). Introduction. In Joseph Chan and Bryce McIntyre (Eds.), In Search of Boundaries: Communication, Nation-State and Cultural Identities. Westport, CT: Greenwood. | view> |
Joseph Chan and Eric Ma (2002). Transculturating Modernity: A Reinterpretation of Cultural Globalization. In Joseph Chan and Bryce McIntyre (Eds.), In Search of Boundaries: Communication, Nation-State and Cultural Identities. Westport, CT: Greenwood. | view> |
Joseph Chan, Kenneth Chau and Francis Li (2002). Education and Principle-based Opinion: A Study of the Right of Abode Controversy in Hong Kong. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 14:1:54-72. | view> |
Lee, C.C., Pan, Zhangdang, Chan, Joseph, So, Clement (2001). Through the eyes of the US media: Banging the democracy drum in Hong Kong. Journal of Communication. 51:2:345-365. | view> |
Joseph Chan, Eric Ma and Grace Leung (2001). Asian television: Global trends and local processes, Module Six: Unit 35a, Center for Mass Communication Research, Leicester University, U.K. | view> |
Z. Pan, C.C. Lee, Joseph Chan and Clement So (2001). Orchestrating the Family-Nation Chorus: Chinese Media and Nationalism in the Hong Kong Handover. Mass Communication & Society, 4,3:331-347. | view> |
Joseph Chan (2001). Media, Democratization and Globalization: A Comparative Framework. Javnost-The Public 8:4:1-16. | view> |
Joseph Man Chan and Jack Qiu (2001). Media Liberalization in Marketized Authoritarianism, in Monroe Price et al (eds.), Media Reform: Democratizating the Media, Democratizing the State, pp.27-46. London: Routledge. | view> |
Joseph Chan (2000). When Capitalist and Socialists Television Meet: The Impact of Hong Kong TV on Guangzhou Residents, in C.C. Lee (ed.), Media, Money, and Power: Communication Patterns in Chinese Societies, Chicago: Northwestern University | view> |
Press. Z. Pan and Joseph Chan (2000). Building a market-based party organ: Television and national integration in China. In David French and Michael Richards (eds.). Television in Contemporary Asia, pp.232-263. New Delhi: Sage. | view> |
C.C. Lee, Joseph Chan, Zhongdang Pan and Clement So (2000). National Prisms of a Global Media Event. In James Curran and Michael Gurevitch (eds.), Mass Media and Society, pp. 295-309. London: Arnold. | view> |
Joseph Chan (2000). No Culture is an Island: An Analysis of Media Protectionism and Media Openness, in Georgette Wang, Jan Servaes and Anuraa Goonasekera (eds.), The Emerging Television Landscape: Globalization, Localization, or Something Else? Routledge London: Routlege. | view> |
Clement So, Joseph Chan and Chin-Chuan Lee (2000). [Mass Media of] Hong Kong SAR (China). In Shlton Gunaratne (Ed.), Handbook of the Media in Asia, pp.527-551. New Delhi: Sage. | view> |
Joseph Chan and Yiu Ming To (2000). Reunification and Press Freedom in Hong Kong: The Xi Yang Case, in C.L. Chiou and Leong Liew (eds.), Uncertain Future: Taiwan-Hong Kong-China Relations After Hong Kong’s Return to Chinese Sovereignty, pp.221-244. Hans, UK: Ashgate. | view> |
Clement So, Joseph Chan and Chin-Chuan Lee (2000). [Mass Media of] Macau SAR (China). In Shlton Gunaratne (Ed.), Handbook of the Media in Asia, pp.552-560. New Delhi: Sage. | view> |
Joseph Chan and Yiu-ming To (1999). Reunification and Press Freedom in Hong Kong: The Xi Yang Case. In C.L. Chiou and Liew Leong (Eds.), Uncertain Future: Taiwan-Hong Kong-China Relations After Hong Kong’s Return to Chinese Sovereignty. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. | view> |
Clement So and Joseph Chan (1999). Press and Politics in Hong Kong: An Overall View, in Clement So and Joseph Chan (eds.), Press and Politics in Hong Kong: Cases from 1967 to 1997. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. | view> |
Z. Pan, Chin-Chuan Lee, Joseph Chan, Clement So (1999). One Event, Three Stories, Gazette 61(2): 99-112. | view> |
Joseph Chan (1999). The Press: Accountable to Whom? Media Digest (September) pp.8-9. | view> |
Joseph Chan, Paul Lee and C.C. Lee (1998). East Meets West: Hong Kong Journalists in Transition, in David Weaver (ed.), The Global Journalist: News People Around the World, pp.31-54. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press. | view> |
Joseph Chan (1997). Media Internationalization in Hong Kong: Patterns, Factors, and Tensions, in Gerard Postiglione and James Tang (eds.) Hong Kong’s Reunion with China: The Global Dimenions, pp. 222-238. Armond, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe. | view> |
Joseph Chan, Eric Ma, and Clement So. Back to the Future: A Retrospect and Prospects for the Hong Kong Mass Media, in Joseph Cheng (ed.), The Other Hong Kong Report 1997, pp.455-482. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. | view> |
Grace Leung and Joseph Man Chan. The Hong Kong Cinema and Its Overseas Market: A Historical Review, 1950-1995, In Lo Tak Sing (ed.), Hong Kong Cinema Retrospective: Fifty Years of Electric Shadows, pp.143-151. Hong Kong: Urban Council Press. | view> |
C.C. Lee, Joseph Chan and Paul Lee (1997). Professionalism Among Hong Kong Journalists in Comparative Perspective, in Bryce McIntyre (ed.), Mass Media in the Asian Perspective, pp.5-13. Toronto: Multilingual Matters Ltd. | view> |
Joseph Chan (1997). Media Internationalization in Hong Kong: Factors, Patterns, and Tensions. In Gerard Postglione and James Tang (eds.), Hong Kong in the World Community: Internationalization at Risk, Hong Kong: Sharpe and Hong Kong University Press. | view> |
Joseph Chan (1997). Whither Mass Communication Education in Asia? Asia Pacific Media Educator (Australia), 1:1:16-27. | view> |
Joseph Chan and Eric Ma (1996). Asian Television: Global Trends and Local Processes, Gazette (the Netherlands) 58:45-60, 1996. | view> |
Joseph Chan (1996). Television Development in Greater China: Structure, Exports, and Market Formation. In John Sinclair, et al (ed.) New Patterns in Global Television: Peripheral Vision, pp.126-160. Oxford: Oxford University Press. | view> |
C.C. Lee, Chi-Hsien Chen, Joseph Man Chan and Paul S.N. Lee (1996). Partisanship and Professionalism: Hong Kong Journalists in Transition, Gazette (the Netherlands) 57(1996):1-15. | view> |
Joseph Chan (1995). Calling the Tune without Paying the Piper: The Reassertion of Media Controls in China. In Chi-Kin Lo, and Maurice Brosseau (ed.), China Review 1995, pp.5.1-16. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. | view> |
Joseph Chan. The Double-Edged Effects of Information Technology on the Right to Communicate, New Asia Academic Bulletin, No. 14, 1995. | view> |
Joseph Chan (1994). Media Internationalization in China: Processes and Tensions, Journal of Communication (U.S.A.), Volume 44:3:70-88. | view> |
Joseph Chan (1994). National Responses and Accessibility to STAR TV in Asia, Journal of Communication (U.S.A.), Volume 44:3:112-131. | view> |
Joseph Chan (1993). Commercialization without Independence: Media Development in China, in Joseph Cheng and Maurice Brosseau (eds.), China Review 1993, pp.25:1-19. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. | view> |
Joseph Chan. Communication, Political Knowledge and Attitudes. In Lau Siu-kai and Louie Kin-sheun (eds.), Hong Kong Tried Democracy, pp.41-63. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993. | view> |
Joseph Chan and Paul Lee. Mass Communication: Consumption and Evaluation, in S.K. Lau et al (eds.), Indicators of Social Development, Hong Kong 1990, pp.79-104. Hong Kong: The Press of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993. | view> |
Louie Kin-sheun, Joseph Chan, Leung Sai-wing, Hang-yue Ngo and Wing- kwong Tsang (1993). “Who Voted in the 1991 Elections? A Socio-demographic Profile of the Hong Kong Electorate,” in Siu-kai Lau and Louie Kin-sheun (eds.), Hong Kong Tried Democracy: The 1991 Elections in Hong Kong, pp.1-40. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. | view> |
Joseph Chan (1992). Media Framing Social Conflicts: A Theoretical Review, Media Development (U.K.), Vol.XXXIX 3:24-27. | view> |
Joseph Chan, C.C. Lee and Paul Lee (1992). Fighting Against the Odds: Hong Kong Journalists in Transition, Gazette: An international quarterly of communication (the Netherlands): 50:1-20. | view> |
Joseph Chan (1992). Mass Media and Socio-Political Formation in Hong Kong, 1949-1992, Asian Journal of Communication (Singapore), Fall (1992): 106-129. | view> |
Joseph Chan (1992). Communication Research in Hong Kong: Problematics, Discoveries and Directions, Asian Journal of Communication (Singapore) 2:2:134-167. | view> |
Joseph Chan and C.C. Lee (1991). Power Change, Cooptation and Accommodation: Xinhua and the Press in Transitional Hong Kong, the China Quarterly (England), 126(1991):290-312. | view> |
Joseph Chan and Paul Lee (1991). Communication Indicators in Hong Kong: Conceptual Issues and Findings, in S.K. Lau et al (eds.), The Development of Social Indicators Research in Chinese Societies, pp.175-204. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. | view> |
Joseph Chan (1991). Communication Networks in the Asia-Pacific: An Overview, Media Asia (Singapore), 18:1:35-51. | view> |
C.C. Lee and Joseph Chan (1990). The Hong Kong Press Coverage of the Tiananmen Protests, Gazette (Netherlands) 46 (1990): 175-195. | view> |
C.C. Lee and Joseph Chan (1990). Government Control of the Press in Hong Kong, Gazette (the Netherlands), 46: 125-139. | view> |
Tang Wing Hung and Joseph Chan (1990). The Political Economy of International News Coverage: A Study of Dependent Communication Development,” Asian Journal of Communication (Singapore), 1:1:53-80. | view> |
C.C. Lee and Joseph Chan (1990). The Hong Kong Press in China’s Orbit” The Thunder of Tiananmen, in C.C. Lee (ed.), Voices of China: The Interplay of Politics and Journalism, pp.140-164. New York: Guilford Press (reprint). | view> |
Joseph Chan and C.C. Lee (1989). Journalistic Paradigms in Flux: Editorial Stance and Political Transition in Hong Kong, the China Quarterly (England), No.117: 98-117, Spring, 1989. | view> |
Joseph Chan and C.C. Lee (1988). Press Ideology and Organizational Control in Hong Kong, Communication Research (U.S.A.), 15:2:185-197. | view> |
C.C. Lee and Joseph Chan (1987). Journalistic Paradigms in Flux: The Press and Political Transition in Hong Kong, Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Number 63, pp.109-131, Spring. | view> |
Joseph Chan and C.C. Lee (1984). Journalistic Paradigms on Civil Protests: A Case Study of Hong Kong,” in Andrew Arno and Wimal Dissanayake (eds.), The News Media in National and International Conflict. Boulder, Colorado: Westview and University of Hawaii Press. | view> |
Journal Articles and Book Chapters in Chinese
陳韜文. <中國都市的想像與現實>. 《二十一世紀雙月刊》第145期,頁103-115,2015。 | view> |
李立峰 及 陳韜文. <初探香港「社運社會」:分析香港社會集體抗爭行動的形態和發展>. 《香港,論述,傳媒》 張少強,梁啟智編. 頁243-263. 香港: 牛津大學出版社, 2014. | view> |
CHAN Joseph Man. “Comparing Media System”. Communication & Society 24:1-22. (in Chinese), 2013. | view> |
陳韜文. <傳媒的曾經輝煌和今天瀕危>. 《人文香港:香港發展經驗的全新總結》 載洪清田(編). 頁220-233. 香港:中華書局出版, 2012. | view> |
陳韜文. <理論化是華人社會傳播研究的出路:兼論中國內地傳播研究的困局>. 《華人傳播想像》 載馮應謙、黃懿慧編. 頁55-74. 香港:香港中文大學香港亞太研究所出版, 2012. | view> |
CHAN Joseph Man. “In Pursuit of Creativity in Communication Research”. Communication & Society Dialogue with V.H. Lo (ed.). In Pursuit of Creativity in Communication Research. 20:1-10. (in Chinese). 2012. | view> |
CHAN Joseph Man. “Rock and Roll in an Old Nation: On the Photography of Rock Shanghai”. Twenty-First Century Bimonthly cover and back cover. (in Chinese). 129:91-102. 2012. | view> |
陳韜文. <我對上海社會科學學者的幾點印象>. 《上海學術報告》 載復旦大學社會科學高等研究院(編). 頁58-60. 上海:上海人民出版社, 2011. | view> |
HUANG Yi Hui and Chan, J. (Eds.). “Risk society and crisis communication”. Communication & Society 15, 27-240. (In Chinese), 2011. 陳韜文 及 李立峰. <香港不能忘記六四之謎:傳媒、社會組織、民族國家和集體記憶>. 《新聞學研究》 第103期, 頁215-259. 2010. | view> |
陳韜文 及 李立峰. <香港的傳媒,政治與社會變遷>. 《國際新聞界》 182: 11-16. 2009. | view> |
李立峰 及 陳韜文. <候選人電視辯論對受眾認知和態度的影響:零七年香港特首選舉個案研究>. 《香港社會科學學報》 第35期, 頁73-102. 2008. | view> |
陳韜文、李立峰 (2009) 從民意激盪中重構香港政治文化: 七一大遊行公共論述分析。載馬傑偉、吳俊雄、呂大樂(編)《香港文化政治》頁53-78。香港:香港大學出版社. Joseph Chan and Francis Lee (2009). Energized Public Opinion and the Reconfiguration of Hong Kong’s Political Culture: The Public Discourse on July 1 Rally. In Eric Ma, Hung Chun Ng and Tai-lok Lui (eds.). | view> |
邱林川、陳韜文(2009)邁向新媒體事件研究。《傳播與社會學刊》9:19-38。 Qiu, Jack and Joseph Chan (2009). Towards the study of New Media Events. Communication and Society 9:19-38. | view> |
陳韜文(2008)中國傳播研究的發展困局:為什麼與怎麼辦。《新聞大學》2008年第一期(總第95期), 頁1-7。 Chan, Joseph (2008) The Seized State of Chinese Communication Studies: Why and What is to be done? University Journalism: 95:1-7. (in Chinese). | view> |
陳韜文、李立峰(2007)序言:香港回歸後的傳媒與政治。《傳播與社會學刊》3:17-30。Chan, Joseph and Francis Lee (2007) Introduction: Media and Politics in Post-handover Hong Kong. Communication & Society 3:17-30. (in Chinese) | view> |
陳健文、陳韜文(2007) 香港公民社會及其社會動員:組織與網路的互動。《第三部門》6:107-124。Chan, Kinman and Joseph Chan (2007). The Civil Society and Social Mobilization in Hong Kong. The Third Sector 6:107-125. (in Chinese) | view> |
陳韜文、李立峰(2007)再國族化、國際化與本土的角力:香港的傳媒和政治。《二十一世紀雙月刊》101期,頁43-57。Chan, Joseph and Francis Lee (2007). Contestations Among the Forces of Renationalization, Internationalization and Localization. The Twenty-first Century 101:43-57. | view> |
陳韜文、馬匯瑩(2007)香港電視與內地電視:廣州受眾的選擇。《南方電視學刊》 2007:4:47-51。 Chan, Joseph and Ma Huiying (2007) Hong Kong TV and Chinese TV: Audience’s Preferences in Guangzhou. (In Chinese). | view> |
陳韜文、李立峰 (2006) 民意激盪中的趨同與修正政治平行:香港2003年七一大遊行個案分析。香港社會科學學報31期2006年秋冬季 頁71-96。Joseph Chan and Francis Lee (2006). Energized Public Opinion and Media’s Political Parallelism: A Case Study of the 1 July 2003 Rally in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Social Science, 31 (Autumn/Winter 2006): 71-96. | view> |
潘忠黨、陳韜文(2005)中國改革過程中新聞工作者的職業評價和工作滿意度:兩個城市的新聞從業者問卷調查。 《中國傳媒報告》 4 : 1 : 41 - 55 。 | view> |
陳韜文(2005)港式「人民力量」:七一的動員形態與民意政治的重構。載吳俊雄 呂大樂 馬傑偉(編)《香港文化研究》。香港:香港大學出版社。 | view> |
陳韜文(2004)電視全球化與文化認同:亞洲背景下的理論思考。載劉劉繼南(編)《全球化與文化間傳播》頁 45 - 62 。北京:北京廣播學院出版社。 | view> |
陳韜文(2004)社會互信與專業主義的貧乏:對台灣大選的觀察。《中華傳播學刊》 2004 年六月第五期 頁 11 - 14 。 | view> |
陳韜文、李金銓、潘忠黨、蘇鑰機 (2002). 國際新聞的「馴化」:香港回歸報導比較研究 . 《新聞學研究》 73 期 , 頁 1 - 30 。 | view> |
Joseph Chan, Chin-Chuan Lee, Zhongdang Pan and Clement So (2002). Domesticating International News: A Comparative Study on the Hong Kong Handover. Mass Communication Research, 73:1-28. | view> |
Ven-hwei Lo, Wei Ran, Joseph Chan and Zhongdang Pan (2002). Job Satisfaction of Chinese Journalists in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Mainland China Studies. 45:1:1-18. | view> |
Joseph Chan (2002). Theorization is the Way Out for Chinese Communication Research: Managing the Tension Between Localization and Globalization. In Zhang Guoliang and Huang Zhixshao (eds.), Chinese Communication: Prospect and Retrospects, pp.125-145. Shanghai: Fudan University Press. | view> |
Joseph Chan (January, 2002). Imagining the China Market and Media Interactions in Greater China. Media Digest, pp.2-3. | view> |
Joseph Chan (2001). Americanizing and Globalizing the Chinese Legend Mulan: A Study of Transculturation. Mass Media Research (Taiwan), 66:1-18. | view> |
Joseph Chan (1999). Knowledge Structure and Communication Education: The Tension Between Analytical Training and Professional Training, Mass Communication Research, 59:137-142. | |
Joseph Chan (1998). 1997: A New Departure for Hong Kong Media, in Seguire Chan (ed.), The Vision of Hong Kong, pp.133-136. Hong Kong: Chinese Christian Literature Council. | |
Zhongdang Pan, Leonard Chu and Joseph Chan (1997). Issues and Challenges in Contemporary Communication Research, in Joseph Chan, Leonard Chu, and Zhongdang Pan (eds.) Mass Communication and Market Economy, pp. 7-22. Hong Kong: New Asia Press. | |
Joseph Chan (1997), Power Structure, Economic Development, and Press System: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong and Singapore, Modern Communication (Journal of Beijing Broadcasting Institute), 86:3:1-11. | view> |
Joseph Chan (1997), Press Freedom in Hong Kong: A Power Structure Analysis, Journal of Journalism and Communication (Beijing), 2:31-37. | |
Joseph Chan (1997). The Structure of Hong Kong Media Beyond 1997, in Zhu Yunhan (ed.), 1997 and Taiwan-Hong Kong Relationship, pp.249-264. Taipei: Yeqiang Press. | |
Joseph Chan and Clement So (February 1996). Problem-based Approach to Journalism Practicum: The Case of U-Beat Magazine, Journalist Forum (Taiwan) 4:224-250. | |
Joseph Chan and Eric Ma (1996). The Broadcasting Industry in Hong Kong and Macao. In Executive Yuen (ed.), Hong Kong and Macao Mass Media in Transition, pp.97-134. Taipei: News Department, Executive Yuen. | |
Joseph Chan (1995). Communication, Political Knowledge and Attitudes: A Survey Study of the Hong Kong Electorate, in To Yiu Ming and Joyce Nip (eds.), Media Strategies and Election, pp. 223-244. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Humanities Press, 1995. | |
Joseph Chan (1994). Media Ecology and Socio-Political Change in Hong Kong, Social Science Journal of Central China University of Science and Technology, Vol. 27, Special Issue, pp.1-12. | |
Joseph Chan (1992). Communication Research in Hong Kong: Prospect and Retrospects, in Leonard Chu and Joseph Chan (eds.), Communication and Societal Development, pp.417-442. Department of Journalism and Communication, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1992. | |
Joseph Chan (1989). The Impact of Hong Kong on China’s Communication System, in Proceedings of the Symposium on the Role of Hong Kong in the Asian Pacific Region, pp.140-147. Hong Kong: Lingnan College, 1989. | |
Joseph Chan (1987). Mass Media and Youth Subculture: A Study of the ‘Grease’ Gangs, The Chinese Quarterly of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, pp.22-26, Autumn, 1987. | |
Joseph Chan and S.M. Y au (May 1987). Press Freedom in Hong Kong: A Power Analysis, Ming Pao Monthly, pp.10-14. |
Academic Dialogue
Lee, Francis and Joseph Chan (2009) How Internationalized is Communication Research? A Dialogue with Wolfgang Donsbach. Communication and Society 8:1-18. 李立峰、陳韜文(2009)傳播研究有多國際化?與胡爾夫董仕巴對談。《傳播與社會學刊》8:1-18。 | view> |
Qiu, Jack and Joseph Chan (2009). The Evolution of the Concept of Media Events: A Dialogue with Daniel Dayan. Communication and Society 9:1-18. 邱林川、陳韜文(2009)媒介事件概念的演變:與丹尼爾戴揚對談。9:1-18。 | view> |