CHU, Donna S.C.

CHU, Donna S.C.
School Director & Associate Professor
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
University of Sussex
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Research Interests
- Youth media culture
- Media literacy
- Media education
Teaching Interests
- Popular culture and cultural studies
New media - Creative media
Advice to students
Choose what you love;
Love what you choose
Publication List
Journal Articles
朱順慈(2024)。 <「手機沉悶」:數位媒體與香港青少年文化>。《傳播與社會學刊》 ,第70期,頁 91-113。 | |
Chu, D. (2024). Blogs. In P. Moy (Ed.), Oxford bibliographies in communication. Oxford University Press. | |
Chu, D. (2023). Mundane participation: Power imbalances in youth media use. Social Media+ Society, 9(3). | View> |
Chu, D., & Wong, F. H. C. (2023). Fact-checking or not? News verification behaviours of young people in Hong Kong. Journal of Education. | |
Chu, D. (2023). Mediating memories: Individual remembering of two mass protests in Hong Kong. Memory Studies. | |
Chu, D. (2022). Young journalists and old news: remembering mass protests in Hong Kong. Journalism, 23(11), 2452-2470. | View> |
Chu, D. (2022). Funding media literacy: Hard-earned lessons from a social enterprise. Media Education Research Journal, 11(1), 1-18. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6703771 | View> |
Chu, D. (2021). Remembering 1989: A case study of anniversary journalism in Hong Kong. Memory Studies, 14(4), 819–833. | |
Chu, D. (2020). Civic intentionality in youth media participation: the case of Hong Kong. Learning, Media and Technology, 45(4), 363-375. | View> |
Chu, D. (2020). An (un)romantic journey: Authentic performance in a Chinese dating show. Global Media and China, 5(1), 40-54. | View> |
Chu, D. (2018). Media use and protest mobilization: A case study of Umbrella Movement within Hong Kong schools. Social Media & Society, 4(1). | View> |
Chu, D. (2017). Sex talk: Discourses about female bodies in Hong Kong media. Sexuality and Culture, 21, 882-900. | View > |
Chu, D. (2016). Internet risks and expert views: A case study of the insider perspectives of youth workers in Hong Kong. Information, Communication & Society, 19(8), 1077-1094. | View > |
Chu, D. (2015). Media from Afar: A case study of Mars Media in Hong Kong. Media Education Research Journal, 5(2). | View > |
Chu, D., & Lee, A. (2014). Media education initiatives by media organizations: The uses of media literacy in Hong Kong media. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, 69(2),127 – 145. | View > |
Chu, D. (2014). Kong Girls and Lang Mo: teen perceptions of emergent gender stereotypes in Hong Kong. Journal of Youth Studies, 17(1), 130-147. | View > |
Chu, D. (2013). The production of erotica: photobooks of teenage models in Hong Kong. Journal of Sex Research, 50(7), 653-663. | View > |
朱順慈 (2012)。<盛女的戰場 – 敵人是誰>。《傳媒透視》 頁2-3。 | View > |
Chu, D. (2012). Interpreting news values in j-blogs: Case studies of journalist bloggers in post-1997 Hong Kong. Journalism, 13(3), 371-387. | View > |
Chu, D. (2010). A pedagogy of inquiry: Toward student-centered media education. New Horizons in Education, 58(3), 44-57. | View > |
Chu, D. (2010). In search of prosumption: Youth and the new media in Hong Kong. First Monday. | View > |
Chu, D. (2009). Disciplining media: A case study of two school media in Hong Kong. In C. K. Cheung (Ed.) Media education in Asia: Theory and practices, (pp.79-106). Dordrecht: Springer. | View > |
Chu, D. (2009). Collective behavior in YouTube: a case study of ‘Bus Uncle’online videos. Asian Journal of Communication, 19(3), 337-353. | View > |
Chu, D. (2009). Experiential model of media education: Primary school reporters in Hong Kong. Studies in Media & Information Literacy Education, 9(1), 4-17. | View > |
Chu, D. (2009). Making claims for school media: a study of teachers’ beliefs about media in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 29(1), 1-15. | View > |
Chu, D., & McIntyre, B. T. (1995). Sex role stereotypes on children’s TV in Asia a content analysis of gender role portrayals in children’s cartoons in Hong Kong. Communication Research Reports, 12(2), 206-219. | View > |
Book Chapters
Chu, D. (2019). Blogs and bloggers: Practice of journalism content creation. The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pp. 1-7). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | View> |
Chu, D. S. (2013). Fanatical labor and serious leisure. In F. Lee, L. Leung, J. Qiu, & D. Chu (Eds). Frontiers in new media research, 15, 259. New York: Routledge. | View> |
Lee, F., Leung, L., Qiu, J., & Chu, D. (2013). Introduction: Challenges for new media research. In F. Lee, L. Leung, J. Qiu, & D. Chu (Eds). Frontiers in new media research (pp. 6-16). New York: Routledge. | View> |
朱順慈 (2011)。〈剩女有問題〉。《八度空間:社會科學的視角》(頁106-110)。 香港:香港中文大學社會科學院。 | View> |
朱順慈 (2011) 。〈Youtube與集體行為:網絡視頻「巴士阿叔」個案研究〉。《新媒體事件研究》。 邱林川、陳韜文(編)(頁19-39)。北京:中國人民大學出版社。 | |
朱順慈 (2009) 。〈平淡的冷戰:口述歷史中的電影人生〉。黃愛玲、李培德(編),《冷戰與香港電影》(頁159-174)。香港 :香港電影資料館。 | View> |
朱順慈 (2003) 。〈媒介的色情與暴力〉。李少南(編),《香港傳媒新世紀》(頁213-230)。香港 :香港中文大學出版社。 |
Book Review
Chu, D. (2011) Book Review “Young People, ICTs and Democracy: Theories, Policies, Identities and Web Sites” Asian Journal of Communication, Issue 2, April 2011. |
Chu, Donna (2009) Book Review ‘Wuzhuzhicheng: Xianggang dianying zhong de 97huigui yu gangren rentong'(A City Without Soul: Hong Kong cinema, 1997 Handover, and Hong Kong identity) Chinese Journal of Communication, Issue 2, Volume 2, pp. 251-253. |
Refereed Conference Papers
Chu, D. (2021, December). Young journalists and old news: Remembering mass protests in Hong Kong [Paper presentation]. Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference 2020-2021, Hong Kong. |
Chu, D. (2021, August). Youth media experts dialogue [Conference presentation]. 2021 Youth Media Festival, Daejeon, Korea. |
Chu, D. (2021, July). Connective remembering: Digital memory and media generations [Paper presentation]. Memory Studies Association 5th Annual Conference 2021, Warsaw, Poland. |
Chu, S. C. D. (2019). Face Matters. Paper presented at the18th Annual Gender and Education Association International Conference, University of Portsmouth United Kingdom. |
Chu, S. C. D. (2019). Young Journalists and Old News: Remembering Social Movements in Hong Kong. Paper presented the Third Annual Memory Studies Association Conference, Complutense University of Madrid. |
Chu, S. C. D. (2019). Remembering 1989 and 2014: Two Cases of Anniversary Journalism in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the First Annual Meeting of Society for Hong Kong Studies (SHKS). |
Chu, D. (2018). “Plenary Discussion: International dialogue on mediatisation of childhood and adolescence in the digital age”. Paper presented at ICA 2018 Pre-Conference. Institute for Communication, Charles University Prague, May 23, 2018. |
Chu, D. (2018). “Non-participation in social media: A case of “strategic uses” of media literacy among Hong Kong youth”. Paper presented at IAMCR. University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, June 20-24, 2018. |
朱順慈 (2017). <看和被看/說與不說:社交媒體的言論自由實踐>,香港與自由工作坊,香港中文大學文化及宗教研究系文化研究中心主辦 |
Chu, D. (2017). “A Journey of “Waste”: Reflections about research, creation and teaching, Making and Doing Session, Paper presented in the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association: Interventions: Communication Research and Practice, USA. |
Chu, D. (2017). “Generational divide in media use: A case study of Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong”. Paper presented in the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association: Interventions: Communication Research and Practice, USA. |
Chu, D. (2016). “Media literacy and networked society: Acquisition, expression and exploration of new communication competences”. Paper presented in the Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW), Japan. |
Chu, D. (2016). “Affinity space and multimodal literacy: Case study of 100 Most in Hong Kong”. Paper presented in the Snap, Tweet, and Vlog: The Burgeoning World of Social Media Content Innovation, organized by International Communication Association, 9-13 June 2016, Fukuoka, Japan. |
朱順慈 (2016). <新媒體時代下之社會發展>. 論文發表於《新世紀、新媒體、新新聞2016學術研討會》,台灣,2016.05.20 |
Chu, D. (2016). “Consent and Resent: Discourses of Sexual Agency in Hong Kong Media”. Paper presented in the Symposium on Gender / Queer Sexualities and Digital Activism, organized by 22nd International Symposium on Electronic Art, Hong Kong, 16-22 May, 2016. |
朱順慈 (2016). <社交媒體與對性別定型>. 論文發表於《青少年與性犯罪行為研討會- 政策、議題及實踐》,香港,2016.05.27-28 |
Chu, D. (2015). “Creativity, Participation and Experiential Learning: Media Literacy in the Age of Social Media”. Paper presented in the Fourth International Conference on Media Literacy Conference Programme, School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University and Institute of Communication Studies, Communication University of China, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong. |
Chu, D. (2014). “Research Creation Roundtable, Popular Communication Section”. Paper presented in the ICA’s 64th Annual Conference, 22-26 May, 2014. Seattle, 2014. |
Chu, D. (2013). “Marsmedia: An Integrative Approach in Media Literacy”. Paper presented in the IAMCR 2013 Conference, 25-29 June 2013. |
Chu, D. (2013). “New Women, Old Control: Emergent Gender Stereotypes in Hong Kong”. Paper presented in the IAMCR 2013 Conference, 25-29 June 2013 |
Chu, D. (2012) Connectivity and prosumption. Paper presented in the 19th ITS Biennial Conference, International Telecommunication Society, November 19 to 21, 2012. Bangkok, Thailand |
朱順慈. (2012) <火星媒體:媒介素養的社區實驗>. 論文發表於 《中國第三屆媒介素養教育國際研討會》, 主辦機構為中國傳媒大學傳播研究院及甘肅省廣播電視協會, 蘭州. 2012.08.26. |
朱順慈 (2011) <社交媒體年代的關鍵詞>. 論文發表於 《第十二屆海峽兩岸及港澳新聞研討會》, 7 頁. 2011.12.6-10香港. |
Chu, D. (2011) Labels for Women: The reproduction of docile bodies in Hong Kong Media. Paper presented at IAMCR Conference, Istanbul,Turkey July 13-17. 2011 |
Chu, D. (2011) The Production of Erotica: Visual Culture of Photobooks. Paper presented at IAMCR Conference, Istanbul,Turkey July 13-17. 2011 |
Chu, D. & Lee, A. (2010) Media education initiatives in Hong Kong Media: The uses of media literacy. Paper presented at “Media Literacy Conference”, London, UK, November 19-20, 2010 |
Chu, D. (2010) Girls in Crisis: Discourses of teenage models in Hong Kong press. Paper presented at IAMCR Conference, Braga, Portugal, July 18-22. 2010 |
Chu, D. (2010) A pedagogy of inquiry: Toward student-centered media education. Paper presented at IAMCR Conference, Braga, Portugal, July 18-22. 2010 |
Chu, D., Chu, S. K. W, Tavares, N., Siu, F., Chow, K. & Ho, S. Y. (2010). Media awareness in the age of new media: A case study of Primary 4 students in Hong Kong. Paper presented at ASIS&T 2010 Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 22-27, 2010. |
Chu, D. (2009) Redefining News Values in J-Blogs: Case Studies of Journalist Bloggers in Postcolonial Hong Kong Paper presented at “Journalism in the 21st Century: Between Globalization and National Identity”, organized by ICA and the University of Melbourne, Australia, July 16-17, 2009 |
Chu, D. (2008) Towards a sustainable model of media education: Primary school reporters in Hong Kong. Paper presented at “The Convergence, Citizen Journalism and Social Change: Building Capacity” conference, organized by Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC), University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology, March 27, 2008 |
Chu, D.(2008) The Uses of YouTube: A study of Bus Uncle on-line videos. Paper presented at Politics: Web 2.0: An International Conference, organized by New Political Communication Unit, Department of Politics and International Relations, Royal Holloway, University of London, April 17-18, 2008. |
Creative Output
CHU Shun Chi Donna. 《Face Matters 你的樣子如何》. MWYO, 2018.08. |
Producer and director for RTHK Documentary “Nature and Man in One”, Episode 10 “Journey On” (2016), Recipient of Finalist Award, 2017 New York Festivals® International TV & Film Awards |
Recipient of 2001 Chicago International TV Festival – Gold Hugo |
Producer and Director of RTHK programme 點解兒童不宜(2001) (Not Suitable for Children) Episode 1: 媒介天王自白 (A TV’s Televised Confession) |