HU, Yang

HU, Yang

Ph.D. Candidate

B.S. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Renmin University of China, Beijing, China

M.A. in Journalism
Renmin University of China, Beijing, China

Research Interests:

  • Media sociology
  • Audience behavior
  • Digital journalism
  • Media and well-being, China

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:

Wu-Ouyang, B., & Hu, Y.* (2022). The effects of pandemic-related fear on social connectedness through social media use and self-disclosure. Journal of Media Psychology. Advance online publication. (*Corresponding author)

Zhang, M. M., Wang, X., & Hu, Y. (2021). Strategic framing matters but varies: A structural topic modeling approach to analyzing China’s foreign propaganda about the 2019 Hong Kong protests on Twitter. Social Science Computer Review. Advance online publication.

Hu, Y., & Wang, X. (2020). Photojournalism as a journalistic tool: Exploring its changes through the lens of the World Press Photo Digital Storytelling Contest (2011-2018) (in Chinese, 作為報導工具的新聞攝影:從荷賽數字敘事競賽(2011-2018)看新聞攝影的變革). 《新聞界》(Journalism and Mass Communication Monthly), (01), 74-81. [CSSCI]

Hu, Y., & Wang, X. (2019). Deciding what’s truth: Audiences’ perception and authentication of fake news in digital age (in Chinese, 什麼是「真實」—— 數字媒體時代受眾對假新聞的 認知與辨識). 《新聞記者》(Shanghai Journalism Review), (08), 4-14. [CSSCI]

Conference Presentations

Xing, C., & Hu, Y. (2020, July). How second screening facilitates civic engagement: Investigating Chinese audiences’ second screening behavior in the COVID-19 epidemic. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2020 Annual Conference, Virtual Conference.

Hu, Y., & Tse, H.T.F (2020, May). The spread of political false news online: A case study of the typhoon Jebi false news in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 70th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Virtual Conference.

Hu, Y., Huang, Y. H., & Wang, X. (2020, May). Contacting as a meaningful channel of political involvement: Explaining citizen contacting in China. Paper presented at the 70th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Virtual Conference.

Hu, Y. (2020, January). Media Coverages on Corruption and the Critical Capacity of Journalism in China: An Empirical Analysis of The Beijing News (2004-2018). Paper presented at the 2nd Lisbon Winter School for the Study of Communication, Lisbon, Portugal.

Tse, H.T.F, & Hu, Y. (2019, August). The political consequences of internet censorship in China: Are Chinese netizens becoming apolitical or conforming? Paper presented at the Media Sociology Preconference 2019, New York, USA.

Hu, Y., & Zhang, T. (2019, July). Association between internet embeddedness and depression among adolescents in China. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2019 Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain.

Hu, Y. (2018, June). The battle against “fake news” : A comparative look at Italy and China. Paper presented at Peking University Graduate Conference on New Media themed “Internet Ecology and New Media Theories”, Beijing, China.


2021, 2021年中國應用新聞傳播研究十佳論文 [2021 Top Ten Best Papers in Applied Chinese Communication Research]

2019,第二屆青年新媒體學術研究「啟皓獎」[Qihao Award of Excellence in New Media Research for Junior Scholars]

2017, 第三屆中法大學生新聞獎 [China-France News Award for University Students]

2016,研究生國家獎學金 [China National Scholarship for Postgraduate Students]

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