Jiang Fei 姜飛


副教授,集中研究傳播學、跨文化和國際傳播。Associate Professor in Communication, Intercultural/Cross-cultural Communication

中國社會科學院新聞與傳播研究所傳播學研究室主任,世界傳媒研究中心主任。Director of the Department of Communication, the Institute of Journalism & Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, China.Director of the Center for World Media Studies (CWMS), (www.cassgmrc.com), Beijing, China

中國傳播學會副秘書長Deputy Secretary-in-General of Communication Association of China (CAC)

中國外文局對外傳播研究中心特約研究員Research Fellow at the Center for International Communication Studies, China International Publishing Group

中國社會科學院研究生院、河北大學、河南大學、中南大學碩士生導師。Supervisor for MA students in the Institute of Journalism & Communication in CASS, Postgraduate School of CASS, Hebei University, Henan University and Central South University, China

美國菲萊•狄更斯大學國際傳播系兼職網路授課。Global Virtue Faculty Member in Department of Communication, Fairleigh Dickinson University, USA

Visiting scholar in the Department of Journalism, Media and Communication (JMK) of Stockholm University (October 3-28, 2004)

Visiting scholar in Toronto University and University of British Columbia (UBC), Special Award of Canadian Studies Program in 2005 (SACS-2005)

Visiting scholar in the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, USA (2007-2008), funded by Ford Foundation

Visiting scholar in the Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong (March to April, 2009)

Visiting scholar in the Department of Communication, Taiwan National Chengchi University (December, 2009)

Culture studies, New Media and Intercultural Communication studies, Post-Colonial Theory, Communication Theory

1.”媒介話語研究”(國家社科基金青年自選項目資助) Studies on Chinese Media Discourses, Founded by the China National Social Science Foundation, (2005-2007), completed

2.”跨文化傳播視點研究”(中國社會科學院重點課題資助) Intercultural Communication Theory: Investigating from the Perspectives of Time, Space, Subject and Discourse, Founded by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, (2005-2008), completed

3.”海外媒體在中國”(中國社會科學院重點課題資助) Studies on Transnational Media in China, Founded by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, (2004-2005), completed

4. “數位時代的資訊革命”(中國社會科學院重點課題資助)Information Innovation in the Digital Age, Founded by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, (2003-2004), completed

5.”跨國媒體的跨文化傳播戰略研究”(中國社會科學院重大課題資助) Studies on Transnational Media Corporations’ Intercultural Communication Strategy, Founded by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, (2008-2012)

6. “中國傳播研究30年專業DV訪談”(中國社會科學院新聞與傳播研究所重大課題資助)30 Years’ Development of Communication Studies in Great China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), Founded by the Institute of Journalism & Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, (2007-2011)

1. Jiang, Fei (2011, forthcoming). Communication and Culture [傳播與文化]. Beijing: Chinese Communication University Press.

2. Jiang, Fei (2005). Intercultural Communication in Post-colonial Contexts [跨文化傳播的後殖民語境]. Beijing: China Renmin University Press.

3. Jiang, Fei (Ed.). (2005). Transnational Media in China [海外傳媒在中國]. Beijing: CFLACPC (China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Publishing Corporation).

1. Jiang, Fei (forthcoming). Intercultural Communication from the Chinese Perspective [跨文化傳播的中文視角]. In A. Fung (Ed.), The Imagination of Chinese Communication [華人傳播想像]. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.

2. Jiang, Fei, & Huang, Kuo (2011). Transnational Media Corporations and National Culture as a Security Concern in China. In V. Bajc & W. de Lint (Ed.), Security and Everyday Life (pp. 212-235). New York: Routledge.

3. Feng, Jia-wei & Jiang, Fei (2011). The History, Problems and Suggestions for Tri-network Convergence in China [中國”三網融合”發展歷程、問題及政策建議]. In Yin Yun-gong (Ed.), Blue Book of New Media 2011 [新媒體藍皮書2011] (pp.64-75). Beijing: Social Science Academic Press.

4. Jiang, Fei, Hu Hu & Feng Jia-wei (2011). Problems and Countermeasures in Tri-network Convergence in China—A Case Study of Shan-Xi Province [中國”三網融合”試點推進中的問題及對策—以山西省委個案]. In Yin Yun-gong (Ed.), Blue Book of New Media 2011 [新媒體藍皮書2011] (pp.76-81). Beijing: Social Science Academic Press.

5. Jiang, Fei (2010). Reviewing Chinese Communication Studies 2010 [2010年傳播學研究綜述]. In Yin Yun-gong (Ed.), China Journalism and Communication Annual [中國新聞與傳播年鑒]. Beijing: Social Science Academic Press.

6. Jiang, Fei (2009). Reviewing Chinese Communication Studies 2009 [2009年傳播學研究綜述]. In Yin Yun-gong (Ed.), China Journalism and Communication Annual [中國新聞與傳播年鑒]. Beijing: Social Science Academic Press.

7. Jiang, Fei (2008). Reviewing Chinese Communication Studies 2008 [2008年傳播學研究綜述]. In Yin Yun-gong (Ed.), China Journalism and Communication Annual [中國新聞與傳播年鑒]. Beijing: Social Science Academic Press.

8. Jiang, Fei (2007). Reviewing Chinese Communication Studies 2007 [2007年傳播學研究綜述]. In Yin Yun-gong (Ed.), China Journalism and Communication Annual [中國新聞與傳播年鑒]. Beijing: Social Science Academic Press.

9. Jiang, Fei (2006). Reviewing Chinese Communication Studies 2006 [2006年傳播學研究綜述]. In Yin Yun-gong (Ed.), China Journalism and Communication Annual [中國新聞與傳播年鑒]. Beijing: Social Science Academic Press.

10. Jiang, Fei (2006). Media and Communication in Africa [非洲新聞傳播格局]. In Ming An-xiang (Ed.), Megavision of Global Communication [全球傳媒格局] (pp.593-646). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press.

11. Jiang, Fei (2005). Internet Communication and Information [網路傳播與資訊], in OuYang You-quan (Ed.), Internet Communication and Social Development [網路傳播與社會文化] (pp.59-82). Beijing: China Higher Education Press.

1. Jiang, Fei (2011). From Media to Medium: Constructing an Endogenous Discourse System for Communication Studies [從媒體(media)轉向媒介(medium): 建構傳播研究內生話語系統], Journalism & Communication[新聞與傳播研究] (4), pp.17-27.

2. Jiang, Fei (2011). Chinese Contribution to Construct New World Media Order [構建世界傳媒新秩序的中國方向], Chinese Journalists [中國記者](7), pp.18-20.

3. Jiang, Fei (2010). The Theoretical Development of American Intercultural Communication Studies [美國跨文化傳播研究形成發展的理論脈絡], Journalism & Communication [新聞與傳播研究] (6), pp.17-27.

4. Jiang, Fei, & Huang, Kuo (2009). Differences among Inter-, Cross-, Intra-, Trans-cultural Communication and Next Step for Intercultural Communication Study[對跨文化傳播理論兩類、四種理論研究分野的廓清嘗試]. Journalism & Communication [新聞與傳播研究] (6), pp.53-63.

5. Huang, Kuo, & Jiang, Fei (2009). Understanding Diaspora Cultures in the Context of Globalization. The International Journal of the Humanities, 7(10), pp.115-130.

6. Jiang, Fei, & Huang, Kuo (22-09-2009). Introduction, Immersion and Innovation—The Developing Chinese Communication Studies [引進 融合 創新—發展中的中國傳播學]. Chinese Academy of Social Science Review[中國社會科學報] (Special Issue for Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of PRC), p. B5,

7. Huang, Kuo, & Jiang, Fei (20-10-2009). Mapping the Game of Cross-cultural Communication [在博弈中規劃跨文化傳播地圖]. Chinese Academy of Social Science Review[中國社會科學報], p. 11.

30 other papers (2008 and before) focusing on communication, intercultural communication and post-colonial theory, published in Chinese leading journals, such as Guangming Daily, Journalism and Communication, Theory and Criticism of Literature and Art, Foreign Literature Studies etc.. Listed in Chinese at the end.

1. Neo-Knowledge Production Theory for Communication-Between-Culture Studies, the 59th ICA (International Communication Association) conference. May 21-25, 2009, Chicago, USA.

2. Game Between “Quan” and “Shi”: Communication Strategy for “Shanzhai” Subculture in China Cyber Space, The 7th Chinese Internet Conference at Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. May 27-29, 2009. USA.

3. The Chinese Dragon Vs the Western Dragon (2006-2007): Neo-knowledge Production Theory for Trans-cultural Communication Studies. Conference paper submitted to the 26th IAMCR, July 20-25, 2008. Stockholm University, Sweden.

4. Transnational Media Corporation in China. Workshop on “Towards a Harmonious Information Society in China? Technology, Tensions and Observations”, January 25, 2008, Annenberg School for Communication, Upenn. USA. Journal

Papers in and before 2008
1. “中國跨文化傳播研究30年探討”, 發表於《新聞與傳播研究》2008年第5期。

2. “從學科前沿回到學理基礎:跨文化傳播研究物件初探”,《新聞與傳播研究》2007年第3期。

3. “試析當前跨文化傳播中力量的博弈”,《中國社會科學院研究生院學報》2007年第8期。

4. “歷史與未來:跨文化傳播大視野中的世界和中國”,《新聞前哨》2007年第7期。

5. “典型與常識在媒介中的意識形態互動”,《學習與實踐》,2007年第3期。

6. “跨文化傳播學的淵源和研究視角”,《中國社會科學院院報/理論月刊》2007年5月31日第8版。

7. “擺脫那喀索斯和風月寶鑒——從文化自覺到問題意識到新知識的生產”,《中國攝影家》2007年第3期。

8. “以窄眼界應和狹心理的文化解構要不得”,《南方週末》2007年1月11日。

9. “從文化自卑到文化自覺到文化協商”,《南方週末》2006年9月14日。

10. .”試析跨文化傳播中的幾個基本問題:兼與童兵先生商榷”,《新聞大學》2006年春。

11. “鯨的死亡:假肢社會的審美批判”,《思想戰線》2006年第3期。

12. “後殖民時代”,《湖北師範學院學報》2006年第1期。

13. “殖民話語的特性分析”,《學習與實踐》2006年第7期。

14. “海外傳媒在中國以及相關思考”,《年度學術》2006。中國人民大學出版社。

15. “學術盛會更無前: 中國傳播學會成立暨第九次全國傳播學研討會綜述”,《中國報業》2006,5。

16. “以科學發展觀統領新聞傳播學研究”,《中國社科院院報》2006年5月9日。

17. “傳播學研究:和諧與發展—中國傳播學會成立暨第九次全國傳播學研討會綜述”,《學術動態》第16期,2006年6月5日。

18. “民族意識的複甦還了美國原來的國家特性——評亨廷頓在《我們是誰:美國家特性面臨的挑戰》一書中的哀歎”,《國外社會科學》2005年第5期。

19. “美國的傳播霸權及其激發的世界範圍內的文化保護”,《對外大傳播》2005年第4期。

20. “歐洲的文化保護意識及策略”,《對外大傳播》2005年第10期。

21. “東方學的變遷與美國當代東方學”,《光明日報》2004年11月30日理論版。

22. “跨文化傳播的後殖民語境”,《新聞與傳播研究》2004年第1期。

23. “後殖民時代的話語陷阱”,《河北學刊》2004年第4期。

24. “數位時代的文化傾銷”,《理論與創作》2004年第3期。

25. “後殖民視野中的’第四世界'”,《西南民族大學學報》(哲學社會科學版)2004年第3期。

26. “後殖民主義視野中的西方媒介”,《新聞與傳播研究》2003年第1期。

27. “全球化與新殖民文化”,《文藝理論與批評》2001年第3期。

28. “後殖民理論探源”,《文藝理論與批評》2001年第5期。

29. “馬克思主義與後殖民批評”,《外國文學研究》2001年第2期。

30. “‘皖南事變’中的《新中華報》”,《新聞大學》2000年夏季刊。