Science Journalism: from Siberia to North Korea

Science Journalism: from Siberia to North Korea
Jointly organized by Department of Physics and
School of Journalism & Communication

Mr. Richard Stone

Asia News Editor of Science Magazine

11:30am – 12:30pm
Friday, 24 Nov 2006

LT1 Science Centre


All are Welcome!

Mr. Richard Stone has won the 2001 Walter Sullivan Award for a story on a lake that no one has ever seen and its implications for finding life elsewhere in the solar system. This largest fresh-water lake, lying 2 miles underneath glacial ice, was not discovered until 1960s. After earning his B.S. degree in Biology from Cornell University, Stone furthered his study in Science Communication at the University of California (Santa Cruz), after which he worked as a science journalist, covering environmental issues, science and biotechnology, including nonproliferation of nuclear and biological weapons. As recipient of a number of prestigious journalism awards, he has been invited to give talks and conduct seminars in science journalism in the United States, United Kingdom and Russia.