KIM, Sora

KIM, Sora


University of Tennessee, U.S.A

Research Interests

  • Corporate Communication
  • Corporate Social Responsibility/Sustainability  Communication –
  • Crisis Communication / Crisis Communication Management
  • Public Relations/Strategic Communication
  • New Media/Communication Technology Information & communication technologies (ICTs)


Teaching Interests

  • Risk/Crisis Communication Management
  • Public Relations Management
  • International Public Relations
  • Public Relations Strategies and Campaigns.
  • Public Relations Principles


Academic Experience

  • Associate Professor, Department of Public Relations, College of Journalism and Communications
  • University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, U.S.A.
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Public Relations, College of Journalism and Communications
  • University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, U.S.A.
  • Assistant Professor, College of Communication, DePaul University, Chicago, U.S.A.
  • Graduate Associate, School of Advertising and Public Relations, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, U.S.A. Management


Honors and awards

  • Best Paper Award, Communication Policy and Technology section of International Association for Media and Communication
  • Research (IAMCR) 2019 jointly with the academic journal Internet Policy Review
  • Top Research Presentation Award (Second Place), Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Washington D. C. August, 2013
  • Arthur W. Page Center Legacy Scholar & Grant: Research on Effectiveness of CSR Communication, Arthur W. Page Center, 2013
  • Faculty Research Summer Grant , College of Journalism and Communications, University of Florida, Summer 2012
  • Top Research Faculty Paper Award (First Place), Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, August 2011
  • Top Research Faculty Paper Award (Third Place), Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, August, 2011
  • Faculty Research Summer Grant, College of Journalism and Communications, University of Florida, Summer 2011
  • Top Research Faculty Paper Award (First Place), Public Relations Division, International Communication Association conference, May 2011.
  • Top Research Presentation Award (First Place), Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, 2010
  • Faculty Research and Development Summer Research Grant, DePaul University, 2009
  • SARIF (Scholarly Activity and Research Incentive Funds) Grant Award, University of Tennessee, 2008
  • Graduate Research Award, Annual Convocation, University of Tennessee (April), 2008
  • 2005-2007 Karl A. & Madira Bickel Scholarship, University of Tennessee. da, Gainesville, FL, U.S.A.

Publication List:

Refereed Journal Articles

Yang, C. Y., & Kim, S. (2024). Safety nudged or empowerment fueled? Leadership mechanism and boundary condition for follower’s adaptive communication behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis in China. Journal of Public Relations Research, 1-23. [SSCI/Q1]View >
Qu, J. G., Yang, Y. C., Chen, A., & Kim, S. (2024). Collective empowerment and connective outcry: What legitimize netizens to engage in negative word-of-mouth of online firestorms? Public Relations Review, 50(2), 102438. >
Fong, I. W., & Kim, S. (corresponding author) (2023). Consumer rewarding mechanism in global corporate activism: An experiment using the Russia-Ukraine War. Public Relations Review, 49(5), 102381. [SSCI-listed].View >
Kim, S. (2023). Dimensions of effective government pandemic-crisis communication in the context of COVID-19: A public-centric perspective. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 31(3), 320-337. >
Ji. Y., & Kim, S. (2023). The impacts of social media bandwagon cues on public demand for regulatory intervention during corporate crises. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 31(3), 392-405.
View >
Kim, S., Ji, Y., & Rim, H. (2023). The process of online keyword activism in political figure’s crisis: Moderating roles of like-minded public opinion and government controllability of crisis outcomes. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 100(1), 10-35. >
Kim, S., Sheng, X., & Ketron, S. C. (2022). The roles of legacy versus social media information seeking in American and Chinese consumers’ hoarding during COVID-19. Journal of International Marketing.
Kim, S., Rim, H., & Sung, K. (2021). Online engagement of active communicative behaviors and crisis news consumption on Internet portal sites. Journalism, 22(12), 3048-3065. >
Ji, Y., & Kim, S. (2021). Public expectations of crisis outcomes in the social media era in China: a communication-mediated psychological mechanism. Public Relations Review, 47(5). >
Kim, S., & Ji, Y. (2021). Positive ripple effects of corporate leaders’ CSR donations amid COVID-19 on corporate and country reputations: Multi-level reputational benefits of CSR focusing on Bill Gates and Jack Ma. Public Relations Review, 47(4), 102073. >
Kim, S., Sung, K-H., Ji, Y., Xing, C., & Qu, J. (2021). Online firestorms in social media: Comparative research between China Weibo and USA Twitter. Public Relations Review, 47(1), 102010. DOI: >
Ji, Y., & Kim, S. (2020). Crisis-induced public demand for regulatory intervention in the social media era: Examining the moderating roles of perceived government controllability and consumer collective efficacy. New Media & Society, 22(6), 959-983. >
Einwiller, S., & Kim, S. (2020). How online content providers moderate user-generated content to prevent harmful online communication: An analysis of policies and their implementation. Policy & Internet.View >
Kim, S., Rim, H., & Sung, K. (2020). Online engagement of active communicative behaviors and news consumption on Internet portal sites. Journalism. >
Kim, S. (2019). The Process Model of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Communication: CSR Communication and its Relationship with Consumers’ CSR Knowledge, Trust, and Corporate Reputation Perception. Journal of Business Ethics, 154(4), 1143-1159.
Kim, S., & Rim, H-J. (2019). The role of public skepticism and distrust in the process of CSR communication. International Journal of Business Communication. Online first, >
Ji, Y., & Kim, S. (2019). Communication-mediated psychological mechanisms of Chinese publics’ post-crisis corporate associations and government associations. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 27(2), 182-194.View >
Kim, S. (2018). The Process of CSR Communication-Culture-Specific or Universal? Focusing on Mainland China and Hong Kong Consumers. Internal Journal of Business Communication.View >
Sung, K. H., & Kim, S. (2018). Do organizational personification and personality matter? The effect of interaction and conversational tone on relationship quality in social media. International Journal of Business CommunicationView >
Zhang, A. X., Borden, J., & Kim, S. (2018). Understanding publics’ post-crisis social media engagement behaviors: An examination of antecedents and mediators. Telematics and Informatics, 35(8), 2133-2146View >
Kim, S., & Ferguson, M. T. (2018). Dimensions of effective CSR communication based on public expectations. Journal of Marketing communications, 24(6), 549-567. doi: 10.1080/13527266.2015.1118143.View >
Huang, Y. H. C. & Kim. S. (2018). Cultures of Crisis Response: Chinese Public Relations Practices in Context. Chinese Journal of Communication, 11(1), 1-4. [SSCI]View >
Zhang, X. A. and Kim, S. (2017). An Examination of Consumer–Company Identification as a Key Predictor of Consumer Responses in Corporate Crisis. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 25: 232–243. doi:10.1111/1468-5973.12147.
Kim, S., & Haley, E. J. (2017). Propaganda Strategies of Korean War-Era leaflets. International Journal of Advertising. DOI: 10.1080/0265-487.2017.1348434. [SSCI].
Kim, S., & Ji, Y. (2017). Chinese consumers’ expectations of corporate communication on CSR and sustainability. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 24(6), 570-588. DOI: 10.1002/csr.1429 [SSCI].
Tao, W. & Kim, S. (2017). Application of two under-researched typologies in crisis communication: Ethics of justice vs. care and public relations vs. legal strategies. Public Relations Review 43 (4), 690-699. DOI: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2017.06.003 [SSCI] [corresponding author].
Ji, Y., Zhou, Y., & Kim, S. (2017). A moderated mediation model of political collective action in Hong Kong: Examining the roles of social media consumption and social identity. Asian Journal of Communication, 27 (5), 497-516. DOI: 10.1080/01292986.2017.1336777. [SSCI].
Kim, S. (2017). The process model of corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication: CSR communication and its relationship with consumers’ CSR knowledge, trust, and corporate reputation perception. Journal of Business Ethics, First Online, doi: 10.1007/s10551-017-3433-6. [SSCI].
Lee, Y-J., & Kim, S. (2017). How do racial minority consumers process a model race cue in CSR advertising? A comparison of Asian and White Americans. Journal of Marketing Communication. First Online, doi:10.1080/13527266.2016.1278256
Rim, H-J., & Kim, S. (2016). Dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) skepticism and their impacts on public evaluations toward CSR, Journal of Public Relations Research, 28 (5/6), 248-267. DOI: 10.1080/1062726X.2016.1261702. [SSCI]
Kim, S., Zhang, X. A., & Zhang, B.W.(2016).Self-mocking crisis strategy on social media: Focusing Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma in China. Public Relations Review, 42 (5),903-912. DOI:10.1016/j.pubrev.2016.10.004. [SSCI]
Zhang, X. A, & Kim, S. (2016). An examination of consumer-company identification as a key predictor of consumer responses in corporate crisis, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. DOI: 10.1111/1468-5973.12147. [SSCI] [Corresponding author].
Lee, S., & Kim, S. (2016). The buffering effect of industry-wide crisis history during crisis, Journal of Communication Management, 20(4), 347-362.View >
McCall, S. S., Kim, S., & Brummette, J. (2016). Framing on Facebook: Examining an issues management approach to obesity, Journal of Social Media in Society, 5 (2), 169-201.
Kim, S., & Ferguson, M. T. (2016). Dimensions of effective CSR communication based on public expectations. Journal of Marketing communications, doi: 10.1080/13527266.2015.1118143 (online first).View >
Wertz, E. K., & Kim, S. (2015). Quality of minority health communication: An analysis of Hispanic-targeted health websites, American Communication Journal, 17 (2), 27-37.View >
Kim, S., & Ferguson, M. T. (2014). Public expectations of CSR communication: What and how to communicate CSR. Public Relations Journal, 8 (3), Available at >
Zheng, X, Tao, W., & Kim, S. (2014). A Comparative Study on Global Brands’ Micro Blogs between China and USA: Focusing on Communication Styles and Branding Strategies. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 8 (4), 231-249View  >
Kim, S., Kim, S. Y., & Sung, K.H. (2014). Fortune 100 companies’ Facebook strategies: corporate ability versus social responsibility. Journal of Communication Management, 18 (4), 343-362View >
Sung, K.H., & Kim, S. (2014). I want to be friends with you: How effective are organizations’ interpersonal approaches on Facebook? Journal of Public Relations Research, 26 (3), 235-255.doi: 10.1080/1062726X.2014.908718. [SSCI]View >
Lee, J., Kim, S., & Wertz, E. (2014). How spokesperson rank and selected media channels impact perceptions in crisis communication. Public Relations Journal, 8 (2), 1-21View >
Kim, S. (2014). The role of prior expectancies and relational satisfaction in crisis. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 91 (1), 139-159. [SSCI]View >
Kim, S., & Sung, K. H. (2014). Revisiting the effectiveness of base crisis strategies in comparison of reputation management crisis responses. Journal of Public Relations Research, 26 (1), 62-78.doi:10.1080/10627726X.2013.795867. [SSCIView >
Kim, S. (2014). What’s worse in times of crisis? Negative corporate ability or negative CSR reputation? Journal of Business Ethics, 123 (1), 157-170. doi: 10.1007/s10551-013-1808-x [SSCI]View >
Kim, S. (2013).Corporate ability or virtue?: Relative effectiveness of prior corporate associations in times of crisis. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 7 (4), 241-256View >
Kim, S., & Wertz, E. (2013). Predictors of organizations’ crisis communication approaches: Full versus limited crisis information disclosure. Public Relations Review, 39 (3), 238-240. [SSCI]View >
Kim, S., & Lee, Y-J. (2012). The complex attribution process of CSR motives. Public Relations Review, 38 (1), 168-170. [SSCI]View >
Kim, S., & Liu, B. F. (2012). Are all crises opportunities? A comparison of how corporate and government organizations responded to the 2009 flu pandemic. Journal of Public Relations Research, 24 (1), 69-85. [SSCI]View >
Liu, B. F., & Kim, S. (2011). How organizations framed the 2009 H1N1 pandemic via social and traditional media: Implications for U.S. health communicators. Public Relations Review, 37 (3), 233-244. [SSCI]View >
Kim, S., Avery, E. J., & Lariscy, R. W. (2011). Reputation repair at the expense of providing instructing and adjusting information following crises: Examining 18 years of crisis response strategy research,” International Journal of Strategic Communication, 5 (3), 183-199View >
Kim, S. (2011). Transferring effects of CSR strategy on consumer responses: The synergistic model of corporate communication strategy. Journal of Public Relations Research, 23 (2), 218-241. [SSCI]View >
Kim, S., Park, J-H., & Wertz, E. (2010). Expectation gaps between stakeholders and web-based corporate public relations efforts: Focusing on Fortune 500 corporate web sites,” Public Relations Review, 36 (3), 215-221. [SSCI]View >
Avery, E. J., Lariscy, R. W., Kim, S., & Hocke, T. (2010). A quantitative review of crisis communication research in public relations: 1991-2009,” Public Relations Review, 36 (2), 190-192. [SSCI]View >
Lee, Y-J., & Kim, S. (2010). Media framing in corporate social responsibility: A Korea-US Comparative Study. International Journal of Communication 4, 1-20. [SSCI]View >
Kim, S., & Rader, S. (2010). What they can do versus how much they care: Assessing corporate communication strategies on Fortune 500 websites. Journal of Communication Management, 14 (1), 59-80View >
Wertz, E., & Kim, S. (2010). Cultural issues in crisis communication: A comparative study of crisis messages chosen by Korean and U.S. print media. Journal of Communication Management, 14 (1), 81-94.View >
Kim, S., Avery, E. J., & Lariscy, R. W. (2009). Are crisis communicators practicing what we preach?: An evaluation of crisis response strategy analyzed in public relations research from 1991 to 2009. Public Relations Review, 35 (4), 446-448. [SSCIView >
Kim, S., Haley, E., & Koo, G. (2009). Comparison of the paths from consumer involvement types to ad responses between corporate advertising and product advertising. Journal of Advertising, 38 (3), 67-80. [SSCI]View >
Avery, E. J., & Kim, S. (2009). Anticipating or precipitating crisis?: Health agencies may not be heeding best practice advice in press releases. Journal of Public Relations Research, 21 (2), 187-197. [SSCI]View >
Avery, E. J., & Kim, S. (2009). Preparing for pandemic and managing uncertainty: An analysis of the construction of fear and uncertainty in press releases of major health agencies. Journal of Health & Mass Communication, 1 (3/4), 177-193View >
Kim, S., Haley, E., & Lee, Y-J. (2008). Does consumers’ product related involvements matter when it comes to corporate ads?. Journal of Current Issues and Research In Advertising, 30 (2), 37-48.View >
Avery, E. J., & Kim, S. (2008). Comprising or compromising credibility?: Use of spokesperson quotations in news releases issued by major health agencies. Public Relations Journal, 2 (4). 1-18.View >
Koo, G., Andrew, D. P. S., & Kim, S. (2008). Mediated relationships between the constituents of service quality and behavioral intentions: A study of women’s college basketball fans. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 4 (4), 390-411.View >

Book Chapters and Other Publications

Kim, S., & Qu, J. G. (2024). Corporate online communication. In Podnar, K. (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Corporate Communication (pp. 390-398). Edward Elgar Publishing: UK.View >
Kim, S. (2022). CSR communication from a public relations perspective. In A. O’Connor (Eds), The Routledge Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility and Communication (pp. 11-20). Routledge.View >
Kim, S., & Ji. Y. (2018). Gap Analysis. In R. L. Heath, & W. Johansen (Eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication. New Jersey: Wiley.View >
Kim, S., Hwang, J.Y., & Zhang, X. A. (2016). The impact of organizations’ ethical approaches in times of crisis. In Brunner, B.R. (Eds.), The Moral Compass of Public Relations, Routledge.View >
Kim, S. (2016). Crisis communication research in South Korea. In A. Schwarz, M. W. Seeger, & C. Auer (Eds.), The Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research (pp.292-301), Wiley-BlackwellView >
Kim, S. (2013). Astroturfing/Greenturfing. In R. L. Heath (2nd Ed.), Encyclopedia of public relations (Vol.1. p.44). Thousand Oaks, CA: SageView >
Kim, S. (2013). Efficacy/Self-efficacy. In R. L. Heath (2nd Ed.), Encyclopedia of public relations (Vol.1. p.44). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.View >
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